YES Waiver
The Youth Empowerment Services Waiver, also known as the YES Waiver, provides home and community-based services to individuals ages 3-18 who have a serious emotional disturbance, putting them at risk of being placed outside of the home. Services include non-traditional therapies, respite, non-medical transportation, paraprofessional services, family supports, employment assistance, and community living skills. YES Waiver work is channeled through a team approach that includes community providers, families, and their informal supports with common goals of reducing time spent out of the home and community, preventing entry into the foster care system, and improving the lives of children and their families.
For more information on the YES Waiver, call Burke’s YES Waiver inquiry line at 1-800-330-9560.
Child Traumatic Stress Initiative
Burke’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) was established to treat children, adolescents, and their families who have experienced trauma and suffer from symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The goal of this initiative is to improve outcomes and recovery. This program is enhancing Burke’s ability and capacity to provide assessment, screening, trauma and grief therapy, skills, education, parenting support and case management. The NCTSI program clinicians will follow a family-recovery model to develop a plan that is best suited for recovery based on the individual’s needs, incorporating resources for family support as well. In addition, Burke is partnering with schools and community agencies to bring resources and education about the impacts of trauma on student development.
For more information on Burke’s Child Traumatic Stress Initiative, please contact Stephen Lantis at 936-639-2384, x3107.
Specialized Treatment of Early Psychosis
Specialized Treatment of Early Psychosis (STEP) is a recovery-oriented treatment program for individuals ages 15-30 who have experienced their first psychotic episode. They receive a team approach to case management, doctor services, psychosocial rehabilitation, peer services, therapy, and supportive employment and/or education for up to two years based on need and preferences. The primary goal of the program is to decrease the length of time between the onset of psychotic symptoms to the beginning of treatment to minimize brain damage as well as strain on the individuals and their families.
For more information about Burke’s STEP Program, please call 936-634-5010 and ask for the STEP Program.
To make an appointment or for general information about Burke’s mental health services, call 936-634-5010 or 1-866-242-4556.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 1-800-392-8343 immediately.