We read a powerful column in the New York Times we wanted to share. It’s written by an author named Kim Addonizio who struggles with depression and addiction, and it provides very good insight into what so many people face every day. Here’s an excerpt: I have a close friend who for many years seriously […]
News & Resources
RETHN Angelina County Local Board Meets
The Angelina County Local Advisory Board of the Rural East Texas Health Network (RETHN) recently met at Woodland Heights Hospital. Board members reviewed admissions data for Burke’s regional Mental Health Emergency Center, as well as discussed ways to make improvements to the mental health emergency delivery system for Angelina County. The RETHN was established in […]
Burke Receives ATA President’s Award
Burke’s Mental Health Emergency Center (MHEC) recently received the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) President’s Award for Innovation in Remote Health Care. “Recognizing excellence in the field of telemedicine is an important component of ATA’s mandate to identify and honor leaders in healthcare,” said Edward M. Brown MD, President of ATA. The award recognizes organizations on […]
Ribbon Cutting Held for new Jasper Mental Health Clinic
Mental health services are now more accessible than ever thanks to Burke’s brand new 4,800 square foot facility in Jasper. On April 23, Burke officials along with Jasper County Judge Mark Allen, Newton County Judge Truman Dougharty, Texas State Representative James White and others were in attendance for the facility’s official ribbon cutting. Burke CEO […]
Rep. White Presents Flag to Colonel Daniel
At a recent meeting of Burke’s Board of Trustees, State Representative James White presented a Texas flag to Colonel Howard E. Daniel, Jr., US Army retired. The flag had been flown over the state capitol in Austin, and was given to the Colonel in appreciation for his ongoing dedication and service to the community. Representative […]
Mental Health First Aid-USA Training Held
Burke’s Community Relations Director, Paul Jackson, recently held an Adult Mental Health First Aid-USA class at Burke’s Administrative Office in Lufkin. Adult Mental Health First Aid-USA offers an informative, helpful and insightful course on recognizing and addressing the needs of people who are beginning to experience symptoms of the early stages of mental illness, as […]