Depression, just the sound of the word is, well, depressing. Depression affects so many of us. Just how many? This article on shares recent statistics on the prevalence of depression in our country and around the world. Over 350 million people from around the world suffer from depression. It is most common in women aged […]
News & Resources
Evidence Shows Violence Is Extremely Rare Among the Mentally Ill
We would all like to have an answer when tragedy occurs. We look for signs that could have alerted us to the threat, sometimes they are there; other times they are not. In the case of the Germanwings pilot who recently crashed a plane with 150 people aboard, mental illness seems to have played a role. […]
Use 2-1-1 To Find Out About Local Resources
In papers across the nation yesterday, a dear friend to many, the woman known as Abby as in Dear Abby (aka-Pauline Phillips) shared a valuable resource, the availability of 2-1-1. When dialed, this phone number connects you with an operator that can guide you to local resources for a variety of needs. Make sure you […]
First Lady Michelle Obama Supports Mental Health First Aid
The time is now to create a new story in America about mental health, mental illness and wellness. The “Change Direction” initiative was inspired by the White House National Conference on Mental Health in 2013, which came on the heels of the Newton tragedy. The purpose of the campaign is to: free us to see […]
RETHN Polk County Local Advisory Board Meets
The Polk County Local Advisory Board of the Rural East Texas Health Network (RETHN) recently met at Livingston City Hall. Board members reviewed admissions data for the Burke Center’s regional Mental Health Emergency Center (MHEC), as well as the mental health crises delivery system for Polk County. The RETHN is a network established by Burke […]
RETHN Jasper/Newton Local Advisory Board Meets
The Jasper/Newton Local Advisory Board of the Rural East Texas Health Network (RETHN) recently met at the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department. Board members reviewed admissions data for Burke’s regional Mental Health Emergency Center, as well as discussed the mental health emergency delivery system for both Jasper and Newton counties. The RETHN was established in 2006 […]