David Cozadd, owner of Galleria Z, a custom framing business, represents Nacogdoches County. Cozadd opened the business following his retirement from Burke in 2012 after 37 years in behavioral healthcare, 19 of which was with Burke. Read more about David Cozadd and his contribution to the Burke Board below.
How did you first get involved with Burke?
I first became involved with Burke while working as an administrator for the CompCare corporation and a CareUnit substance abuse treatment program that was affiliated with Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital. I moved to Denver, Colorado, with CompCare, for three and a half years. When my father passed away, I wanted to move back to be of support to my mother. Upon return to Nacogdoches, in 1993, I began working as the director of the Nacogdoches Mental Health Clinic. In my time at Burke, I helped start up the Nacogdoches Family Counseling program (known now as children’s mental health services) and the Mental Health Emergency Center. When I retired, I had served as the Director of Operations for Mental Health for 14 years.
What was your first impression of Burke?
My first impression of the mental health and developmental disability care system was that it was very complex with many facets to the operations. State, federal, accrediting bodies and funding sources required unique guidelines for program implementation and operations. I believe, in spite of the complexity of the system, it is a means to provide help to those in our communities who otherwise wouldn’t be getting help.
What do you wish other people knew about Burke?
I think it would be great if all people were aware of Burke and the expanse of resources that are available. Each person in our communities could play a role in helping others by knowing that help is available and how to access that help.
What do you think will change about Burke (or the Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmentally Disabled service realm) over the next five years?
I foresee that both resources and the number of people being served will continue to grow. I think that most individuals in their lifetime will either need help, even if only briefly or know someone who will need help.
How would someone describe you?
I have diverse interests, I care about others, and I am open to utilizing my helping skills even though I am retired and no longer working professionally. I also would hope that people would say that I have a good sense of humor!
What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?
I am the owner/operator of Galleria Z, a custom picture framing business in Nacogdoches. I combined my undergrad degree in art and my interest in woodworking to open up the framing business upon retirement. I am married to Amy Nixdorf, my wife of 43 years. We enjoy spending time with our son Erik, daughter-in-law Angie and granddaughter Ava. I also enjoy serving on the board of the SFA Friends of the Visual Arts and promoting the arts in our community.
I hope that my past clinical experience and knowledge in mental health operations can help me to be of service to the Burke Board of Trustees. I enjoy staying involved in the mental health world and maintaining my professional relationships. I know my role is small, but helping advance behavioral health care services in our community and region is important to me.